Harshada Garud wins Historic Gold Medal at Junior World Weighlifting 2022

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Anjali Patel misses out as she finished Sixth overall despite giving a Personal Best


Harshada becomes the first Indian ever to win the Junior World Championships

India started the 2022 Junior World Weighlifting Championships on a good note when Harshada Garud came out in flying colors grabbing the Gold in the 45Kg Category. With a strong eight member squad sent to the Junior Worlds Championships India has send good signals. At the last championships India had send just two Jeremy & Achanta.

on the day 1 of the competition Anjali Patel had started with the highest weight entry of 164Kg, her personal best is 147Kg. Harshada had opted for 161Kg with a personal best of 145Kg. These weights are only an indication of how much the lifters wishes to lift and also helps in categorisation in separate groups incase of many entries. This category had only ten entries. Turkey, Spain & India with couple of entries.

Snatch Results

At the end of the snatch Harshada came out on the top with a total lift of 70Kg and hence bagging the Gold in the Snatch with Spain taking Silver & Moldova getting Bronze. Harshada had an advantage of 2Kg going into the Clean&Jerk event which forms the second part of the competition.

Anjali who started a Kg better than Harshada had a failed second attempt and finally finished of at 67Kg tied on the third position weight, she was still in competition. Harshada Garud was the only lifter with all three successfull lifts. The world standard results stand at 78Kg in Junior category

Source IWF

Clean & Jerk Results

Harshada started with a 78Kg lift which was lower than three other lifters first attempt but she was carrying an advantage over others for the snatch result. She continued her good performance and lifted all three of her C&J lifts as well adding 3Kg in the second and finishing with a 83Kg lift. After she finished her attempts still there were four lifters left with their attempts.

Source IWF

The only potential competitor for Gold was Bektas from Turkey but as she missed her second attempt of 85 Kg it was alomst impossible for her to scale upto 154Kg for which she needed a 89Kg lift. She finally managed a 85Kg lift in the third attempt and grabbed the C&J Gold medal.

Anjali missed her first attempt and from there on it was always a diificult comeback. She did manage to lift her next two attempts of 79Kg & 81 Kg but that was not enough to take her to the podium. The world standard result stand at 104Kg in Junior category.

Harshada who had a personal best of 145Kg coming into the competition bettered it by 8Kg and won the 2Gold & 1Silver medal in the process. The Total weight Silver went to Bektas from Turkey with a 150Kg & Hincu from Moldova at 149Kg.

Source IWF

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