An exceptional match unfolded between the Indo-French duo and the Austrian duo. Yuki & Albano secured a victory over Erler & Lucas in three sets, with scores of 6-1, 6-7, 10-7 at ATP250 BMW Open
This is the same duo they lost in the Marrakech Open semifinals earlier this month. Yuki and Albano lost to Erler & Lucas with the scoreline of 5-7, 6-3, 7-10.
But today Yuki & Albano defeated Erler & Lucas 6-1,6-7, 10-7 in the BMW Open Men’s Doubles Semifinals.
Yuki and Albano displayed remarkable prowess as they stylishly outplayed the Austrian duo.
Now Yuki and Albano play against either V. Corne & T. Arribage or J. Struff & A. Mies. After the second semi final we’ll get to know.
Yuki and Albano, as a duo, will be vying for their first-ever title. Yuki’s most recent ATP title victory came on October 2023 last year.
The pair exudes confidence and is considered one of the strongest contenders in BMW Opens 2024 title race.
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Let us remain optimistic and extend our best wishes to Yuki and Albano.
Written by Chiya