IOC Grants Provisional Recognition to World Boxing: A Major Step for the Sports Olympic Future

World Boxing
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In a significant development for the future of boxing in the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has granted provisional recognition to World Boxing (WB) as the International Federation (IF) governing the sport.

This decision, made by the IOC Executive Board (EB) during a remote meeting, marks a crucial step toward ensuring boxing’s inclusion in the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics.

The move comes after the IOC stripped the International Boxing Association (IBA) of recognition in 2023 due to governance, financial, and ethical issues.

With the IBA no longer in charge, the IOC had called for the establishment of a new global governing body to oversee the sport and ensure its continuation at future Olympic Games.

World Boxing

World Boxing’s Provisional Recognition: Key Criteria

Following a thorough assessment, the IOC determined that World Boxing had met several key requirements necessary for recognition as boxing’s global governing body. These included both sports-related and governance-related criteria:

Sports Criteria:

Wide Global Representation WB consists of 78 National Federations across five continents, with four continental confederations already established.

Strong Olympic Presence An estimated 62% of the boxers and 58% of the boxing medalists at the Paris 2024 Olympics belong to National Federations affiliated with WB.

Sports Integrity Measures The organization follows the Paris Boxing Units integrity process, ensuring fair competition and independent oversight.

AIMS Membership WB has been recognized by SportAccords Alliance of Independent Recognized Members of Sport (AIMS).

Governance Criteria:

Transparent Governance Framework WB has implemented key policies, including a Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Anti-Corruption Policy, alongside a Finance and Audit Committee.

Stable Financial Model The organization has secured multi-year commercial partnerships covering 2025-2028 to ensure sustainable revenue generation.

Legal & Anti-Doping Compliance WB has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and fully implemented its World Anti-Doping Code Signatory Status, as accepted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The IOCs assessment recognized the efforts made by World Boxing to enhance governance, financial transparency, and integrity in boxing

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